The full video of the event can be accessed here.
Opening remarks
> James Zhan, Senior Director, UNCTAD (FBSD Executive Board Co-Chair): Statement
> Alfonso Libano, CEO, Cobega, Spain and Chairman FBN Polaris (FBSD Executive Board Co-Chair): Statement
Segment 1: MOC introduction of keynote speakers
> Professor Jeffery D. Sachs, Director, Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University (FBSD Advisory Council Co-chair)
> Dame Polly Courtice, Founder Director, University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) (FBSD Advisory Council Co-chair)
Interactive panel dialogue (moderated by Alexis du Roy de Blicquy, CEO, FBN)
> Barbara Kux, Supervisory Board member, Grosvenor Group & Henkel, Vice Chairman Firmenich
> André Hoffmann, Vice Chairman, Roche Holding
> Farhad Forbes, Chairman, Forbes Marshall, India, FBN President
> Nicolas Fleury, Deputy Secretary-General, ISO
Q&A opportunity and sum-up (moderator)
Segment 2: MOC Launch of the joint global UNCTAD-FBN Initiative: “Family Business for Sustainable Development” (FBSD)
> Presentation of FBSD – Objectives and framework by James Zhan, Senior Director, UNCTAD (FBSD Executive Board Co-Chair): Statement and Powerpoint presentation
> Testimonials, Günseli Ünlütürk, Co-founder, Sun TekstilA.Ş., Turkey and Sumitra Aswani, Executive Director, Ishk Tolaram Foundation, Singapore
> Call to Action – Sustainability pledge by Alfonso Libano (FBN), Vice Chairman, Cobega, Spain and Chairman FBN Polaris (FBSD Executive Board Co-Chair): Statement
> Next steps